Textures can be found in almost every natural or man-made element. You just need the eyes to be spot it and you also have to be a good judge of how good and useful a particular texture really is. In the world of web design and graphic design, professionals and rookies believe in maintaining a textures bank. For the simple reason that, they need not go searching for textures every time they have a project in hand. A texture bank saves time and effort. Let’s talk about dray wall Stone Wall Textures now. They way in which a wall is painted or left unpainted, textures start developing on it…and the variety is amazing. We have some good ones here.
Plaster Exterior Dry Wall Texture

Use this close-up texture of sandstone plaster exterior wall as the backdrop for a PowerPoint slide, poster, or even a blog. The image is top quality so getting it to the size of your choice should be easy.
White Stucco Dry Wall Texture

White wall textures are so versatile. With the right skill set and ideas you can infuse them in your projects very easily. Check out this close up image of a White stucco wall for example. It’s clean and polished, overlaying texts or making patterns on this should be fun!
Download Beige Drywall Texture

Here is a very simple beige dry wall texture. At first glance you may mistake it to be a solid color background or wallpaper, but it isn’t. It’s a beige wall texture. The image is very clean and crisp.
Elegant Drywall Mud Texture

Dry mud walls are a good source to go looking for interesting textures. Here’s one example, there are bumps in the texture but that makes it look more natural. Use it as wallpaper or background – your choice.
Haunted Hotel Drywall Texture

This is hand painted wall texture. It is very minutely coarse in appearance but that effect works in favor of the texture as it provides it with a more naturalistic feel.
Close-up Texture Of Sandstone Plaster Drywall

Spark some interest and appeal in your projects by including this innovative and completely real close-up texture of sandstone plaster exterior wall. The wall has a roughness but the black dots work as a great artistic element.
White Plaster Drywall Texture

This texture was captured on the wall of a building. It is a white plaster texture. You could really make your website or blog’s landing page jump out by choosing this as the backdrop.
Fabulous Bubbling Drywall Texture

If you’re thinking the first few images in this collection are of a honeycomb texture, then no, it’s not. It’s a dry wall texture found on one of the walls of an apartment hit by a summer storm and run down by fire.
Stunning Drywall Crack Texture

There are cracks in this drywall and that is a good thing because this texture got formed as a result. You can modify the colors and the color tone in Photoshop and use this texture in any of your artworks.
Closeup Of A Cream Stucco Drywall

Close ups of wall textures is such an advantageous asset for designers. Take a look this close up of a cream stucco wall. The roughness and the show of naturally-made patterns is what make this image stand apart.
Grey Dry wall Texture For You

Grungy Dry Wall Texture

Painted White Dry Wall Texture

Bumpy Brown Stucco Texture

Texture Of Weathered Painted Surface

Using our selection of dry wall textures we’re certain that your projects will receive a boost. Also as mentioned earlier, if you choose to not use any of them instantly, you can always store them in your textures bank or library. A good texture never remains unused for very long anyway!
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