Birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s, graduation . . . it doesn’t matter what the occasion is. If you’re getting a present, of course, you’re gonna wanna celebrate!
Upon seeing parcels, so neatly and beautifully wrapped, you immediately reach for the Gift Tags to check who they’re for, see your name, start ripping up the wrapping paper, the tag along with it.
The sad part is that some people actually write well wishes and other thoughtful notes on the tag, but most of the time, we end up throwing them out without a second thought. And, well, the tags normally aren’t all too special anyway.
But what if this didn’t have to be the case?
Printable Christmas Gift Tag

Printable Holiday Gift Tag

Printable Personalized Blank Gift Tag

Printable Valentine Gift Tag

Gift Tag, You’re It!
While there isn’t going to be a fix for our innate selfishness and greed, that doesn’t mean there isn’t something we can do about this gift-tag–throwing travesty. I mean, looking at any of these beautiful printable gift tag designs alone, I’m sure you’ll feel hopeful!
Our collection here offers you a variety of designs, so there’s truly something here for you.
- Christmas/Holidays. As Christmas is known to be the season of giving, naturally our designs offer more options for it. Make sure that those you gift have a merry Christmas with the “Printable Swing Gift Tag,” the “Printable Christmas Gift Tag,” or the “Printable Holiday Gift Tag.”
- Valentine’s. Wow, your lover d not only a stellar Valentine’s Day gift, but also a proper gift tag to go along with it! Hang Tags with calligraphy, like the “Printable Valentine Gift Tag,” should be the one for you.
- Personalized. For a custom, straight-from-the-heart message, the “Printable Personalized Blank Gift Tag” would be your friend.
- Thank-you. What better way to show gratitude to your hosts than a present and the ever so apt “Printable Thank You Gift Tag”?
We have all those free downloadable gift tag printables and more!
Printable Happy Birthday Gift Tag

Printable Wrapped Gift Box Tag

Printable Vintage Gift Tag

Not Just Gift Tags
Given the different designs, different looks, different themes of these free Printable Gift Tags, you’ll find that there might actually be more use to them other than what they were made for. Nope, not crazy talk. And to prove that, here’s a little round-up:
- Bookmarks. I can’t be the only one doing this. I mean, something as pretty and as relatively sturdy as the “Printable Floral Gift Tag” can surely be reincarnated as a bookmark. After all, you can’t get lost halfway through your reading assignment. Never again. *Shivers.
- Labels. When you’re like harebrained me and keep losing your stuff, especially when you need it most (say, your pen right before an exam), labels can help you keep things organized. Pro tip: include your contact info with your name so that when you misplace, say, your graphing calculator, whoever finds it will know to return it to you and how to get ahold of you.
- Christmas ornaments. I mean, if we can get away with stringing up popcorn and calling them decor, why not use a more convenient and less perishable option?
All that aside, perhaps the best use for gift tags would be as keepsakes. They show the heart of a person and remind you of the time they thought about you.
Wouldn’t that be a nice reminder?
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