New year greetings convey the warmth of your heart to your close ones. People try to be innovative with the style and presentation of the new year greetings. Thus, there is a considerable variation in different greeting card designs, styles, and usage of elements. You can send online greetings these days with customized templates for free greeting designs. Here are fifteen new year greetings designs for you, and you can download these for free.
Funny New Year Greeting

If you want to convey new year wished to your kids, you can use this template. There are two dogs wearing fancy hats and the picture is framed in a snowy background. You may also see PSD New Year Greeting Card Designs.
Simple Happy New Year Greeting

This is an animated variation of new year greetings. You can send this to your friends and relatives through emails. The colorful font and motion features make it quite attractive. You may also see Free New Year Designs.
Vector New Year Greeting Card
Soft elements like branches, greeting cards, and balls are the key element of this card. You can download the image and use of for personalized purposes. You may also see Happy New Year Images.
Happy New Year Greeting Card

This card is customized for kids. The pink background makes it look gay. The elements include candies, Christmas tree, Santa clause, reindeer and other things that are close to children’s hearts.
New Years Wishes Greeting Card
An envelope and a greeting card are the key elements of interest in this template. The font in this card is bold and the colors are varied and vibrant. This delivers a classy look to the card.
Christmas & New Year Greeting Background

New year comes just after Christmas, hence all the elements in this picture are relevant to the festival. The bright red background serves well in this greeting card and the narrow fonts make it attractive.
New Year Greeting Cards Set

This is a simple greetings card, with the head of a cock incorporated in it. The red image goes well with the white background. You can edit and personalize the card.
3D New Year Greeting Card

This card comes with three-dimensional visual effect. The colorful balls, lights, and fashionable font deliver it a festive attire. You are free to download the image for free.
New Year Greeting Poster

When you look out for a theme for your card or poster, you can simply download this template. It has bright color combinations and the green leaves in the background makes it sophisticated.
Collection of Happy New Year Greeting Cards

This is a stylish new year wishes 2017 greetings card theme and has a bright and sleek appearance. The thin red and black lines used in the font makes it quite innovative.
Typography Happy New Year Greeting

This template has a simple message for the new year in beautiful cursive fonts. The dark background goes well with the white font color and the structural pattern of the font is classy and stylish.
Printable New Year Greeting Card

In this template, the fonts resemble water-coloured alphabets. The blue and black contrast go well on the white background here. The intricate caricature in the design looks beautiful.
Animated New Year Greeting Wishes

Wine glasses, heart, and roses all these are beautiful elements to be presented to your close ones in the new year. This is an animated template and you can send it through emails to your friends.
Creative Happy New Year Greeting
This is a sweet and inspiring card that can create a pleasing visual effect with the soft color and fonts. Shades of orange and gray have been incorporated here.
Amazing New Year Greeting

if you need elements of fun like poppers, balloon and other figures on the card, this card is what you need. It is available in the downloadable format on the website.
Free Happy New Year Greeting Cards

Wonderful Happy New Year Greeting

Colorful New Year Greeting

How to use these “New Year Greetings”?
The best part of the greeting template is that they can be printed on any surface. You can download the images from the website and print them on hard covers to make innovative themes for a greeting card. You can also send them directly to your friends through the online platforms and social media sites. There are various templates for new year wishes for friends and you can browse through the website for customized themes. You can edit the message on the card and tailor them for your own purpose.
In case you want to send your heartfelt wishes with the printable greetings to your close ones, choose the most pleasing greeting card from the website. There are various categories and you can tailor the one you need. You can write the name of the recipient on the card and send personalized wishes. You may also see New Year Banners.
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