Use of icons is important in a web or print design, as it makes the overall design more intuitive because of the icons rather than the text that might be language specific compared to the image of the icon. Here, you will find a series of safety icons relating from different sectors. You can also check out some of the web icons that are available to use. Scroll through the article for more information on these downloadable series of these safety icons.You may also see 3D Icons.
Aircraft Safety Vector Icons

Here are nine different vector icons that show the different aircraft signs. From fasten your seatbelt, to flight is about to land, you will find them here.
Rounded Safety Graphic Icons

This is a series of circular icons that have elements of security in them. Like a lock and a key, a shield, an error exclamation mark.You may also see Circle Icons.
Safety Icons For You

In the link mentioned below, you will find a lot of safety icons presented in shades of black and white. Just open the link and toggle through the icons.
Flat Design Safety Icons

Here is a collection of colorful safety and security icons ranging from padlock, sheriff’s star, police light, and shield on a monitor.
Elegant Industrial Safety Icons

These icons are related to industry safety with proper clothing and gears. These icons are available in high resolution and can be isolated from the remaining design.
Electrical Safety Icons

Here is a collection of 20 different icons in triangular shape that you can download for web and print purposes from the mentioned link.
Safety Desktop Icons Pack

This is a professional set of 20 colorful security and safety icons. The design can be downloaded in EPS or PNG format. The design is completely layered and editable for you to make certain changes.
Environmental Safety Icons

Here are 25 different thin lined icons set of ecological energy source and environmental safety. These icons are available as vector graphics and can be resized for different design sizes.
Job Safety Warning Icons

Here are some warning and job security vector icons that are used by people at construction sites or other manual projects.
Set of Vector Safety Icons

This is a vast collection of safety equipment signs and also mandatory construction and industry signs. You can edit this vector illustration using Illustrator.
Safety Helmet Vector Icon

Here is a photorealistic representation of a safety helmet in six different colors that you can download as an Illustrator file to edit and customize.
Chemical Safety Icons Set

Science lab safety and chemical hazard signs have a definite look and feel to them. Same is the case with these icons that are available in various sizes to choose from as per your project requirements.
Auto Repairing Safety Icons

This is a professional set of vector icons related to the world of auto safety that you can download from GraphicRiver and customize and use it in your own designs.
Dark Shaded Safety icons

In the link mentioned below, you will find some of the dark and shaded safety icons mostly in shades of block black colors.
Thin Outlined Safety Icons

Safety Gear Vector Icons

Safety Shield Protective Icons

Emergency Safety Sign Icons

Informative Safety Icons

Health and Safety Vector Icons

All the sets of icons mentioned above are downloadable and editable for your own use. But you can also just look at them and get inspirational idea to design your own safety icon. You can also check out a bunch of desktop icons that you can use as folder and file icons. Otherwise, most of these icons are found useful only for web purposes. Unless you are working on your portfolio and designing for practice.
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