Right around the “-ber” months (may also be aptly called the brrr months), everyone’s getting ready for the much colder clime and, of course, the winter formal. As such is the occasion, it would be no surprise to see a throng of students gathered by the bulletin boards to deck them with snowflakes and other winter-related décor when they’d much rather do so with Palm Tree Cliparts. However, such a task requires boatloads of paper and time.
So for those who don’t have the latter, here’s our collection of fabulous winter clip arts! This beautiful collection offers a range of images in different styles and designs absolutely available for download in JPG, PNG, EPS, TIFF, formats.
Winter Border Clipart

Winter Holiday Clipart

Winter Clip Art Wonderland
As you can see in our collection of winter Cartoon Clip Arts, it offers a variety of styles singular to each artist who created them. There’s so much to choose from here that you may find yourself wanting to check each link and download every single one!
- Let it snow!
It already goes without saying that during winter, there is one definite tell: snow. Aside from the unwanted troubles, everyone has to, unfortunately, go through (e.g., super dehydrated skin, chapped lips, unbearable cold, etc.), you have to admit that there is a certain magic in it. Just look at “Winter Border Clipart,” “Winter Tree Clipart,” and “Winter Scene Clipart.”
- Starring the penguin and the snowman
I don’t know if you’ve noticed this as well, but it seems to me that aside from good ol’ Santa Claus, the favorite wintertime staples are Mr. Snowman and the adorable penguin. It is quite apparent in “Black and White Winter Clipart,” “Free Winter Clipart,” “Winter Holiday Clipart,” and “Winter Penguin Clipart.”
- All bundled up
If you didn’t already get the memo, you’re supposed to pile on the clothing come wintertime. Here are a few helpful little reminders in “Winter Clipart for Kids” and “Winter Clothes Clipart.”
Winter Penguin Clipart

Winter Clipart for Kids

Winter Clothes Clipart

Winter Scene Clipart

Winter Clip Arts All Year Round
Just when you think that these fabulous winter clip arts couldn’t get any more charming or any handier, here’s a short list of nifty suggestions:
- DIY coloring page
Create a season-themed coloring book by compiling different coloring pages featuring winter, spring, summer, and fall scenes. With the little number you get in “Black and White Winter Clipart,” you have the first season down.
- Instant stationery, ready-made card art
If you’ve found yourself wandering the aisles with racks filled with stationery sets and greeting cards are, you’ve probably fallen prey to the pretty art once or twice, making you pick one up to consider buying it. But then you stop dead at the sight of the price tag. Well, with “Winter Border Clipart,” “Winter Tree Clipart,” and “Winter Scene Clipart,” you get all of the pretty sans the zeros and dollar sign.
- Scrapbooking material
Wouldn’t it be fun to just have a couple or more cute winter cutouts on hand? Just look at “Winter Banner Clipart” for a second.
So you have the options and the suggestions. All you have to do now is to download! Maybe check out these Free Cliparts for Teachers while you’re at it.
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