When you go deeper with what the season of spring really means, you’ll most likely go beyond mental images of flowers in full bloom, patches of vibrant green, animals coming out of hibernation, and everything else in between. You start to think about the core themes of hope and new life, which are basically the same themes when celebrating Easter. And of course, what illustrates all that better than this collection of 12+ beautiful spring clip arts (yes, these Flower Clip Arts as well)? None, I say.
These spring images are available in GIF, PNG, JPG, Vector EPS, etc. formats—a variety in formats like the variety in spring blooms. So stop and smell the roses, yeah?
Spring Black and White Clip Art

Spring Border Clip Art

Spring Kid Clip Art

Spring Tree Clip Art

Animated Spring Clip Art

Spring Clip Arts 5 Ways
As you can see in this collection of spring clip arts, these Free Clip Art Images of the season of blooms come with a range of designs, each one so different from the rest—that we’ve managed to narrow things down to five categories.
- Black and White Outline
Just as the label says and as it appears, “Spring Black and White Clip Art” is an outline drawn in black “ink” against a white backdrop.
- More Than Words
In “Happy Spring Clip Art,” “Animated Spring Clip Art,” and “Spring Music Clip Art,” there is an obvious harmony between the text and the art (especially in the third, where there is a brilliant infusion of comedy).
- Beyond Borders
“Spring Border Clip Art” showcases everything spring related—from flowers to butterflies to leaves, all in vibrant spring colors—and forms a wonderful frame around the edges.
- Blooming and Leafy
You can get the gist by reading the category label and checking out the following: “Spring Kid Clip Art,” “Spring Tree Clip Art,” “Free Spring Clip Art,” “Spring Leaves Clip Art,” and “Spring Rain Clip Art.”
- Disney-fied
Though it is completely lacking the spring scenery or any springtime element, who’s to say that the smiles on the characters’ faces in “Disney Spring Clip Art” are not the result of spring fever? Right?
Disney Spring Clipart

Spring Leaves Clipart

Spring Fall Clipart

Spring Music Clipart

Spring Rain Clipart

Spring Clip Art How-To’s
By a simple one-time reading of the subheading and a casual skimming of the contents in this section—which obviously are more than just some Cartoon Clip Arts—you can probably already tell what it’s all about. Yep, you suppose correctly; these spring clip arts can be used in a handful of ways.
- Instant Coloring Page
How is this possible, you ask? Download “Spring Black and White Clip Art,” apply your desired page and layout settings (and maybe even a few changes here and there), print it out on standard white non-lined paper, and you’re done!
- Ready-made Greeting Card Art
If you’re just bursting at the seams with happiness that spring is here and you wanna greet everyone you know a happy spring, you can do just that with “Happy Spring Clip Art.”
- DIY Stationery Set
Pen your thoughts on some cool paper with the design featured in “Spring Border Clip Art.”
- Set Design Inspiration
Being part of the production team is hard, especially when you have to think of fresh new set designs. Take inspiration from “Spring Fall Clip Art.”
So that’s about everything. And oh yeah, before you click on that little x in the corner of the tab or the window, download a couple!
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