Is Valentine’s Day or your anniversary coming up, and you absolutely have nothing planned “yet”? Are you visibly, physically shaking from nervousness because on top of having yet to ask out a person you like, you have no clue how to woo him or her either?
Well, perhaps with loads of your creativity and imagination and a little bit of help from this collection of cute love clip arts (and maybe these Free Clip Art Borders too), you won’t have to sweat it as much. These cute love clip arts come in a variety of designs and are available for download in JPG, PNG, GIF, etc. formats! Go ahead and see for yourself!
Girlfriend Love Clipart

Free Love Clipart

God is Love Clipart

Seeing Hearts
We’re all familiar with the symptoms when one has fallen into the deep armpit of lurve (whether one-sided or reciprocated is a whole ‘nother story). One of those aforementioned symptoms is vision distortion. You start seeing the world on a different, much more whimsical plane: the flowers have more color, people seem more pleasant, and everyone and everything seems to be in love as well.
You don’t have to worry about said distortion here, however. The Cartoon Cliparts and Heart Clip Arts that you see here are just as they are: quirky and of great quality.
- Hearts galore
You’re definitely not imagining things with “Free Love Clipart” and “Love Heart Clipart.” If you think you see our screen fart hearts, you’re not far off. The same thing applies in “Funny Love Clipart.” Yes, those are actually hearts arguing about who loves whom more. *Facepalm
- Playing up the hues
Typically, pink and blue are the go-to colors in trying to suggest gender or sexual orientation. For you guys and gals out there, you may be interested in “Girlfriend Love Clipart,” “Couple in Love Clipart,” and for a more clever and artsy take, “Love Birds Clipart.”
- Love is . . .
For those who don’t see love through a worldly lens and whose security rests in Him, you may like the lovely universal truth featured in “God is Love Clipart.”
Couple in Love Clipart

Love Heart Clipart

Love Clip Arts Everywhere!
Now that you’ve seen what you have to work with, you’ve probably already thought of a few ways to use them as well. But if you haven’t yet, to get you started with these Free Clipart Images, here are a few suggestions:
- Clever ready-made valentines
With “Love Heart Clipart,” all you need is a heartfelt message of your own. Then you can go ahead and print out the little sucker. For those of you who manage to get you and your significant partner into countless cartoon bickering sessions, you might wanna opt for “Funny Love Clipart” instead.
- DIY stickers
To document your different kind of love in your various journals and mementos, you might want to download “Love Garden Clipart,” put some sticker paper in your printer, and print out your new batch of “stickers.”
- Ready-made heart cutouts
Because you can’t go without a couple hundred heart cutouts for your little surprise, check out “Free Love Clipart” and “Black and White Love Clipart” (you may want to give the latter a bit of color though). Pro tip: use the heart cutouts as “petals,” and create instead of buy a bouquet of “roses.” Hey, effort equals love always!
So the spiel’s done. You can get right on to downloading!
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