When you’re bombarded with so much work—whether they be school projects, written reports, homework assignments, presentations, design tasks—things get a little tedious after quite a while, especially when the work calls for illustrations to bring everything together. And actually having to draw things just takes up too much time.
Fortunately for you, you’ve landed on just the right page after, I assume, some considerable amount of time of fishing in different pools. Check out this collection of 10+ cute fish clip arts for your design needs and more! These Free Clipart Images of fish come in GIF, JPG, PNG, Vector EPS, Vector SVG, Vector PDF, etc. formats.
Fish Black and White Clip Art

Collection of Fish Clip Art

Super Fish Clip Art

Fish Graphic Clip Art

Fish Clip Art 4 Ways
As you can see in this collection of fish clip arts, there is quite a varied range of designs made available. You have the pick of the litter here!…Or the pick of the tank. And as an extra challenge, see which of these Free Clip Art Borders would go well with the following:
- Black and White
It is apparent in “Fish Black and White Clip Art” and “Fish Outline Clip Art” that they are just as their labels say: black and white outlines. (Though I must admit that the former is more of like a loose interpretation of the word fish.)
- School of Fish
Because it’s a lot more fun when there’s more than one, here’s “Collection of Fish Clip Art” for you. Plus, don’t you just love how the three in the bunch are each of a different color selection?
- Cool Fish Drawings
In this category alone, there is diversity—and by that, I mean as regards art style, color selection, species of fish, etc. Just check out “Cartoon Fish Clip Art,” “Fish Graphic Clip Art,” and “Orange Fish Vector Clip Art.”
- In the Blue or in the Bowl
I’ll just leave “Star Fish Clip Art” and “Swimming Fish Bowl Clip Art” here. You’ll get my point.
Star Fish Clip Art

Fish Outline Clip Art

Orange Fish Vector Clip Art

Swimming Fish Bowl Clip Art

Fish Silhouette Clip Art

Fish Clip Art How-To’s
With a casual skimming of both the subheading and the contents in this section—which, as you can see, are not your typical Cartoon Clip Arts—you can probably already tell what this is all about. This may come as a shock to you, but yes, these fish clip arts can be used in a handful of different ways!
- Instant Coloring Page
With a printer, some crayons, and “Fish Black and White Clip Art” and “Fish Outline Clip Art,” you’ll be set for a fun little coloring session. Round up your kids or your siblings for more fun!
- Fish Cutouts
Use either of the likes of “Cartoon Fish Clip Art” and “Fish Graphic Clip Art” (or all these fish clip arts, really), and you can have yourself some cutouts to use on your scrapbooks, journals, dream board, and whatever flat surface you’ve yet to decorate.
- Art Style Inspiration
Because we understand how the artist that you are can get with creative growth and whatnot, we encourage you to take some inspiration from these fish illustrations. Say, create your own spin on the kind of deconstructed style of “Orange Fish Vector Clip Art.”
- Design Inspiration
Need inspiration for your next bracelet charm, pendant, or brooch design? Perhaps a little number like “Fish Silhouette Clip Art” will get you out of that funk and back into sketching!
So now that, that spiel is over with, go on and dive into those links. Download before things get fishy…er!
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