When you think about it, a classroom isn’t just a venue where we can soak up information that we think will only be relevant to us for the amount of time that we’re there (yes, I for one don’t see myself solving equations anytime soon in my line of work). A classroom is where we interact with all kinds of people and learn things beyond the scope of the curriculum, all of which mold us in becoming contributors to society.
What other way is there to illustrate the importance of these humble four walls—and really, education in general—than an entire collection of 9+ beautiful classroom clip arts? These Free Clip Art Images of classrooms come in JPG, PNG, Vector EPS and other formats. So stay in your seat to check them out!
School Classroom Clip Art

Messy Classroom Clip Art

Classroom Clip Arts 4 Ways
As clear as looking through a magnifying lens like I’m sure you did at some point in science class, these classroom clip arts come with a range of designs—all different though with a common denominator (what up, math reference?). See which ones strike your fancy and which ones suit the number of designs in these Free Clip Art Borders.
- Preschool, Holistic Learning
You’ve probably already noticed that “School Classroom Clip Art” isn’t like any other classroom out there. The environment looks to be extremely conducive to a child-centered learning experience. Kind of like how schools employing the Montessori method model their preparatory classrooms.
- Cute Cartoons
“Kids Classroom Clip Art” and “Cartoon Classroom Clip Art” take matchstick drawings on a whole new level. “Cleaning Classroom Clip Art,” “Free Classroom Clip Art,” and “Classroom Desk Clip Art,” on the other hand, are of the same cutesy illustration style that doesn’t pile too much on the details. Then there’s “High School Classroom Clip Art,” with its own brand of cuteness.
- Sans the Students
“Animated Classroom Clip Art” and “Messy Classroom Clip Art” both depict the classroom in different states: the former seems as if the pupils are out for recess while the latter looks to be the aftermath of last period on the last day of class.
- Gray-Scale
“Black and White Classroom Clip Art” is pretty straightforward and self-explanatory.
Free Classroom Clip Art

Black and White Classroom Clip Art

Cartoon Classroom Clip Art

High School Classroom Clip Art

Classroom Clip Art How-To’s
Considering that this collection of classroom clip arts offers you quite an array of designs, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve already felt inspired and thought of a number ways to use these classroom illustrations. However, in case you haven’t yet, here are a few suggestions:
- All-Around Adornments
You can use any or all of these classroom illustrations as bulletin board and/or wall decorations for your own classroom. Litter a couple or more of these Book Clip Art along with them, and you’re sure to provide that whole “Learning is fun!” vibe in every corner.
- Featured Image
Making a post about how education is not being prioritized and even being totally disregarded by today’s youth? Use “Messy Classroom Clip Art” as an opener, a “starter image,” and include more eye-opening ones to drive your point home.
- Art Style Inspiration
Because the illustration styles in each of these classroom clip arts are so different from each other, you can take whatever notes you can and try your hand at them! Maybe the cheerful yet Tim Burton–esque style in “Black and White Classroom Clip Art” will inspire you.
So now that you’ve seen all your options and you’ve read through that little list of suggestions, I’ll leave you to download in peace.
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