Birthdays are a very special time of the year. Be it adults or kids, everybody looks forward to celebrating their birthday with much fanfare. One of the most crucial elements of a birthday celebration is the gifts of course. There is a tendency for people to miss out on remembering birthdays. Well, not anymore. A birthday calendar is one of the most versatile things which are perfect for reminding you of birthdays. Let us share with you some ready-made templates which you could use!You may also see Mobile Calendar Designs.
Children Birthday Free Calendar

This is a children’s birthday calendar sample. It’s got the looks and the presentation, all it now needs is some customization from its user, not that there’s any need for it. Just saying that anyone can easily download and tweak this template in every way! You may also see Academic Calendar Designs.
Free Birthday Promo Calendar

This is another colorful and elegant birthday calendar which has all the trimmings to qualify as a birthday gift choice which you can easily revise and spruce up as a birthday gift for a loved one. You may also see Desk Calendar Designs.
Birthday Schedule Free Countdown Calendar
If you’re hoping to give away a birthday calendar to a colleague or someone senior in office, this birthday schedule specimen is a good contender as a gift item.
Perpetual Birthday Calendar

Check out this downloadable and fully editable calendar. You can change its theme easily and give it’s the backdrop design you think fits best. This sample is ideal for kids!
Fully Customized Birthday Calendar

Another great birthday calendar template which can give you birthday reminders in a fun way. The great-looking design and fully-editable features make this one to a must-download, must edit and must-have!
Birthday Calendar Book

If you’re contemplating to give a birthday calendar to your co-workers, friends or classmates, well, check out this birthday calendar sample. It is a fully editable sample which can be wired with any theme in its background. The template is high-resolution and fully-revisable.
Family Birthday Calendar

Do you have a big family? Well, obviously that means you’ve lots of birthdays to remember. Make life easy for yourself and download this birthday calendar sample which is perfect for lining up family birthdays.
Cartoon Calendar Design

If you’d like to create a cartoon-themed birthday calendar for yourself or a loved one, download this predesigned sample and model it with it further with your creativity!
Birthday Reminder Calendar
If you need a wonderful gift to give to your friends, family and coworkers, this easy-to-download and easy-to-customize calendar should be a great option for you! The template is available in editable PDF format.
Printable Floral Birthday Calendar

If you are interested in birthday calendars which have floral elements as the hero of the design, this mockup should impress you very much. It is fully-editable, customizable and resizable.
Download Birthday Family Calendar

This is another great-looking calendar specimen that you can download, revise, print and distribute! Be it for a friend, family member or a coworker, this calendar template is versatile and good for all occasions.
Birthday Big Truck Calendar

This is a family birthday board wall sign. You can bring it up your expectations by changing the colors, fonts and all other elements, and all the changes can be applied very easily.
Birthday Wall Calendar

Download and customize this readymade cute calendar sample and print it out and use it as a wall-hanging. The template is already laced with great looks and all the vectors included are changeable.
High Quality Birthday Calendar

This is yet another wonderful calendar specimen which you can download and edit in a jiffy. It’s made with postcard motifs and looks just great. Feel free to customize it with names and birth dates that are important to you!
In our compilation, we have featured the best of the latest templates in the category. Of course, each one of the templates is par excellence in terms of quality, design and overall presentation. We’d recommend you download the entire collection and keep it handy for use whenever an occasion comes calling!
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