Backgrounds are used for various purposes. You can find countless backgrounds to choose from on the internet. Girl backgrounds are basically those backgrounds that are simple yet stylish to look at. You can create your personalized girl backgrounds by focusing on the combination of colors, layouts and add quotes if you want to enhance it even more. Search for your kind of girl backgrounds on the internet and download them for free. You can customize them later on with the help of Photoshop and print in various formats. Here are some examples :
Vector Girl Desktop Background

This particular background is created to meet the requirements of a girly character. This is created using Photoshop vector brushes. With an image of a girl on top, this background is specially designed to suit the sophisticated character.
Beautiful Girly Desktop Background

This girl background consists of shades of pink. You get a pink background with lighter pink shades on top, designed to look like flowers. This unique background can be downloaded for free and used as per your convenience.
Beautiful Desktop Girl Background

This bright and vibrant desktop background gives your desktop a good and positive vibe. The color combination of this particular background is unique and you can also increase or decrease its vibrancy as it is easily customizable.
Girl Background Free Download

This unique girl background can be downloaded for free and can be used as per your priority. This has a girly touch to it as its base color is pink with pink hearts designed on top. You can use this background to for your assignments or print in different formats.
Girl Desktop Background Wallpaper

With a blue background and an abstract image of a girl, this background wallpaper surely meets your requirements. Download this wallpaper for free and apply it on your desktop to get that unique look.
Cute Girly HD Background

Among girly backgrounds, there is an immense demand for high quality and perfectly designed layouts. With the help of these HD backgrounds, be sure to impress everyone. Use Photoshop to edit it as per your choice and save it in almost any format you wish.
Beautiful Vector Desktop Girl Background

Photoshop consists of a tool known as vector. Vector brushes can create your very own design, adding your originality to it. With the help of this background, be free to customize it and set it as your desktop wallpaper.
Cute Girl Vector Background

This girl background is a must when you are searching for something that is related to girls and is cute and beautiful. Get this background from the internet and add your choice of color, making it even more enhanced and eye-catching.
Flowers and Girl Background

Girls love flowers and generally prefer softer color combinations. With this background, you can create your own customized floral pattern that suits your layout idea and print it or save it as your desktop wallpaper.
Latest girl Desktop Wallpaper Background

You get a wide variety of options as you look through websites that provide girly backgrounds. Choose your favorite among them and download it for free. This particular background has a yellowish base with an image of a girl, with slight floral patterns.
Pink Cute Girly Wallpaper

This has a very cute and girly look. It is a dark pink base with glittery features, on top of which hearts have been designed. Get this wallpaper and use it for decorating purpose or for personal presentations.
Awesome Girl Background

This particular girl background gives an edgy look to your project or personal assignment of any sort. It has a black background on top of which a silhouette of a girl is portrayed in pink color. This has a very aristocratic and new-age feel to it.
A number of such girl backgrounds are found in abundance on the internet. Keep looking for that perfect layout and you are set to create your own wallpaper. These are created basically keeping the attributes and softness of girls in mind. You get cute wallpapers consisting of hearts, butterflies or floral patterns. You can use these to set as your desktop background, or a picture’s background for editing purpose or for any other personalized projects.
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